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Property Details

Network Space acquired Broadheath Networkcentre in March 2021 and subsequently secured planning permission for the redevelopment of the former Cartwright headquarters on Atlantic Street in Altrincham.

Broadheath Networkcentre will include a mixture of high quality refurbished space alongside new builds, creating a modern, multi-let industrial site designed to attract a variety of businesses. Comprising 206,000 sq ft of accommodation across seven units, with workspace available from 2,100 sq ft to 41,500 sq ft, it was two thirds let by completion. 

Works started on site in May 2022 and completed in February 2024. The construction work was delivered by Bansco and now complete the scheme has an estimated GDV of £45m, as well as delivering upwards of 400 new jobs and provide much needed speculative workspace in the region.

The transformation of this brownfield site in Altrincham was supported with a £23.25 million loan from Trafford Council.

Take a 360 degree tour of the site at this link.


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