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Property Details

Alchemy Business Park is becoming one of the North West’s premier employment schemes.

The business park is already home to 195,000 sq ft of multi-let employment space and Network Space has secured planning permission for two units within phase two of its Element development at the sought-after site.

The first phase saw the 92,000 sq ft Platinum Court delivered in 2007. A further three B2/B8 units of 22,900 sq ft, 35,200 sq ft and 45,450 sq ft, completed in 2019. Element units 1 and 3 are now the flagship headquarters and dealership for eStar Truck and Van, the Mercedes-Benz commercial vehicle franchise for the North West and North Wales, occupied on a 15-year lease, with Element unit 2 occupied by Amazon on a 10-year lease. Subsequently Element was sold to CBRE Investment Management in early 2022.

The site is in a highly prominent location, adjacent to the A580 East Lancashire Road and just half a mile from Junction 4 of the M57.




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